Remove ListView item tap animation in UWP

1. Add ListViewItemStyle Template
2. Change the code below:

How to Convert from webvtt to srt

It’s very easy, just download the webvtt files, and then download the application, drag your webvtt files to the application, and everything could be ok.

Solve – Could not find test executor with URI ‘executor://mstestadapter/v1’

After do some tests, I finally find out this is an issue in Windows 10 UAP with VS 2015 CTP6.
The main reason of the issue is we used two different test namespace, Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting & Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.UnitTestFramework

Now we need to deeply view on it.

This is the namespace tool when you use testm/testc, the VS IDE will help you to add it to the namespace.

This is the default namespace when you created a new Win10 UAP test project.

By viewing the name of the namespace, test platform may a specified for testing UAP, that’s it.