make x:Bind memory clean in UWP

Some tips here:
1. If memory has PropertyChangedHandler left, make sure the list does not have any item.
2. Call Page.Bindings.StopTracking() in Page_Unloaded event
3. If you use x:Bind with MvvmLight, and using RelayCommand, you need to set RelayCommand enity to null in Page_Unloaded.
4. For checking the page is completely released, use the launch mouse recorder to open page and back multiple times. It is important to ensure every PageBack&GC cleared all no used memories.

=============Important Update=============
Don’t use Bindings.StopTracking()! When switch pages quickly, some xaml components would not be released!


Attached Property in StateTriggers

The demo code like the follow below:

So just add the parentheses around the attached property and it would be worked fine on StateTriggers.

Access Ethernet Address in UWP

If you want to use an Ethernet address(like to send http request, you may meet the error:
A network capability is required to access this network resource.
So the solution here:
Package.appxmanifest -> Capabilities tab -> Check Private Networks (Client & Server) capability.